Friday, August 27, 2021

Cisco WLC DTLS Failed Due to Expired Manufacturer Installed Certificate (MIC)

I was troubleshooting a Cisco WLC configured as FlexConnect (or H-REAP) to a remote AP 1242 that wouldn't join. You can view WLC logs under Management > Logs > Message Logs.

*spamApTask2: Aug 26 13:37:28.876: #DTLS-3-HANDSHAKE_FAILURE: openssl_dtls.c:681 Failed to complete DTLS handshake with peer for AP d4:6d:50:88:12:34

*spamApTask3: Aug 26 13:36:13.824: #DTLS-3-HANDSHAKE_FAILURE: openssl_dtls.c:681 Failed to complete DTLS handshake with peer for AP d4:6d:50:88:12:34

*spamApTask2: Aug 26 13:35:03.936: #DTLS-3-HANDSHAKE_FAILURE: openssl_dtls.c:681 Failed to complete DTLS handshake with peer for AP d4:6d:50:88:12:34




(Cisco Controller) >show ap join stats summary all


Number of APs.............................................. 1


Base Mac             AP EthernetMac       AP Name                 IP Address         Status

00:3a:99:12:ab:cd    58:8d:09:03:12:34   ap01          Not Joined


Since DTLS need accurate date and time, I tried to manually configure the WLC date/time, timezone under Commands > Set Time and also removed NTP but still no joy.

I also tried to upgrade the WLC AireOS > but still AP won't join the WLC.

My search led me to an expired WLC Manufacturer Installed Certificate (MIC) which has reached its 10 year expiration date. Below are some WLC commands as a workaround.


(Cisco Controller) >config ap ?


802.1Xuser     Configures the dot1x user for AP.

SSH            Enables/Disables SSH.

add            Adds a Foreign Access Point.

bhrate         Configures Cisco Bridge Backhaul Tx Rate.

bridgegroupname Sets/Deletes bridge group name.

bridging       Enables/Disables Ethernet-to-Ethernet bridging.

cdp            Enable/Disable CDP on Cisco AP.

cert-expiry-ignore Configures cert-expiry-ignore check operation.

core-dump      Configures the AP's memory core dump.

country        Configures the country of operation.

crash-file     Manages crash data and radio core files.

delete         Deletes a Foreign Access Point.

disable        Disables Cisco APs

enable         Enables Cisco APs

ethernet       Configures Ethernet Port of the AP

flexconnect    Enables/Disables VLAN on the flexconnect.

group-name     Configures the group name.

hotspot        Configures Hotspot configs on the AP.

image          Configure image.

led-state      Enables/Disables the LED-State or configure LED flash

link-encryption Capwap Data Link encryption options


--More-- or (q)uit

link-latency   Configures Link Latency Feature.

location       Configures the Location.

logging        Configures the AP logging.

mgmtuser       Configures the user for AP management.

mode           Configures an AP's  mode of operation.

monitor-mode   Configures an AP's monitor-mode channel optimization.

name           Configures the Name of an AP.

packet-dump    Configure AP Packet Capture parameters

port           Configures the port for a Foreign Access Point.

power          Configures Cisco Power over Ethernet (PoE) feature for an AP

primary-base   Configures the Primary Cisco Switch for an AP.

priority       Configure the AP's priority.

reporting-period Configures the AP's rogue/error reporting period

reset          Resets an AP

retransmit     Configures AP Control packet retransmission parameters.

role           Configures an AP's  Bridge role of operation.

rst-button     Enables or disables the Reset Button.

secondary-base Configures the Secondary Cisco Switch for an AP.

sniff          Enables/Disables sniffing on a radio.

static-IP      Enables/Disables/Changes an AP's static IP address configuration

stats-mode     Configures the mode(realtime vs normal) in which statistics are sent from an AP

stats-timer    Configures the frequency at which statistics are sent from an AP

syslog         Configures the system logging settings for an AP


--More-- or (q)uit

tcp-mss-adjust Configures TCP on Cisco AP.

telnet         Enables/Disables telnet.

tertiary-base  Configures the Tertiary Cisco Switch for an AP.

tftp-downgrade Initiates AP's image downgrade from a TFTP server


(Cisco Controller) >config ap cert-expiry-ignore ?


mic            Configures cert-expiry-ignore check operation for MIC.

ssc            Configures cert-expiry-ignore check operation for SSC.


(Cisco Controller) >config ap cert-expiry-ignore mic ?


enable         Enabling will ignore the lifetime-check for MIC.

disable        Disabling will do the lifetime-check for MIC.


(Cisco Controller) >config ap cert-expiry-ignore mic enable


(Cisco Controller) >config ap cert-expiry-ignore ssc ?


enable         Enabling will ignore the lifetime-check for SSC.

disable        Disabling will do the lifetime-check for SSC.


(Cisco Controller) >config ap cert-expiry-ignore ssc enable


(Cisco Controller) >config auth-list ?


add            Creates an authorized AP entry.

ap-policy      Configures an AP authorization policy.

delete         Delete an existing AP entry.


(Cisco Controller) >config auth-list ap-policy ?


authorize-ap   Configures AP authorization policies.

authorize-lsc-ap Use auth-list to Authorize APs with Locally Significant Certificate.

ssc            Configures authorization of APs with self-signed certificate.

mic            Configures authorization of APs with manufacturing-installed certificates.

lsc            Configures authorization of APs with locally significant certificates.


(Cisco Controller) >config auth-list ap-policy ssc ?


enable         Allows APs with self-signed certificates to connect.

disable        Disallows APs with self-signed certificates to connect.


(Cisco Controller) >config auth-list ap-policy ssc enable


(Cisco Controller) >config certificate ?


compatibility  Configure certificate compatibility mode.

generate       Generates new certificates.

lsc            Configure Locally Significant Certificates (LSC)

ssc            Configure Self Signed Certificates (SSC)

use-device-certificate Use device certificate.


(Cisco Controller) >config certificate ssc ?


hash           Configure Self Signed Certificates hash


(Cisco Controller) >config certificate ssc hash ?


validation     Configures validation of SSC Hash


(Cisco Controller) >config certificate ssc hash validation ?


enable         Enable hash validation of SSC certificate


disable        Disable hash validation of SSC certificate


(Cisco Controller) >config certificate ssc hash validation enable


(Cisco Controller) >save config


Are you sure you want to save? (y/n) y


Configuration Saved!


After the said commands were configured, the AP 1242 joined the WLC again.

(Cisco Controller) >show ap join stats summary all


Number of APs.............................................. 1


Base Mac             AP EthernetMac       AP Name                 IP Address         Status

00:3a:99:12:ab:cd    58:8d:09:03:12:34   ap01          Joined    


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. Have been facing these issues a lot ever since Jan 2023.
